Setting up the RowErg for Kids | Concept2

Setting up the RowErg for Kids

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Mär 23, 2020

Rowing is a great fit for kids! The Concept2 Indoor Rower fits people of all sizes with very few adjustments. Here are some basic recommendations for setting up your RowErg for kids:

  1. Damper Setting: Set the damper between one and three. This helps replicate a smaller boat for smaller bodies. If your child says it feels too easy, remind him or her to pull harder and it will feel harder. Children should not row with a damper setting higher than three. (Adults will get the best workout in a damper range of 3-5.)
  2. Flexfoot: Use the lowest setting (hole #1) for kids with the smallest feet. Very small feet may be even more comfortable with some foam placed below the heel. The goal is to have the footstrap crossing roughly over the ball of the foot.
  3. Clothing: Athletic shorts, tights or pants are recommended. Long shirt tails should be tucked in. Baggy shorts and skirts should be avoided as they may get caught in the seat rollers.
  4. Rowing hard: When kids row hard and fast, they may get excited and forget about proper technique. This may cause them to slip off the seat! Be sure to practice rowing hard, building up to it gradually, so they learn proper control.
  5. Safety Reminders:
  • Keep fingers, pets and small children away from seat rollers.
  • Remind children not let go of the handle! They should be taught to place it carefully either in handle hooks or against the flywheel.
  • Do not twist the chain or pull it from side to side. Pull straight back with both hands.
  • Use proper technique at all times.

The mechanics of the indoor rower itself are simple and easy for kids to grasp. In our experience, it’s easier to show kids how to row than to explain. Unlike adults, kids don’t overthink it and are less self-conscious on how they row. We provide technique videos as a resource.

We’ve found that some kids will be much more successful with rowing than with other fitness options. For example, bigger heavier kids may dislike running, but they can often be very effective and successful at rowing. Kids with poor vision, or weak hand/eye coordination, may also thrive with indoor rowing. Recent articles suggest that exercises can be an effective treatment for attention-deficit disorders, and rowing is one of the exercises that has helped some kids to focus better.

Kids love to row, have fun and stay active!

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